Citrullus lanatus
VARIETY DEVELOPED FOR CULTIVATION IN PARTICULAR CONDITIONS. Ancient variety recovered from Arcoiris. Small, full and consistent fruits, round in shape, smooth with light grooves and gathered in clusters. Plant with determined growth, does not need supports. Tomatoes are picked when they are deep red in color.
These organic seeds are controlled and certified by ICEA
Envelope size: 11,5x16 cm
Cultural notes:
Direct sowing period: from avril to june
Seeds in g/100 m2: - gr
Seedbed sowing period: from february to march
Seeds in g/100 m2 for traspanting: - gr
Depth for sowing: - cm
Distance between lines: - cm
Distance in lines: - cm
Production times: 850 days
Nr of seeds: 50 about
Grams: 3